escalated violence|escalate violence in English

intensified fighting or hostilities, increased use of force

Use "escalated violence|escalate violence" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "escalated violence|escalate violence" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "escalated violence|escalate violence", or refer to the context using the word "escalated violence|escalate violence" in the English Dictionary.

1. Violence sharply escalated from 2007 to 2009.

2. Violence and harassment against abortion providers continued to escalate.

3. How did violence escalate in the post-Flood world?

4. As recent history proves, deep hatreds easily escalate into acts of violence.

5. Aggression and violence can escalate when jealousy and envy grow in a competitive atmosphere.

6. Violence incites violence.

7. Just as there’s no way to de-escalate a situation of true, Asocial violence, there’s no reason to escalate a situation of social aggression.

8. Myanmar Violence Escalates in Bloodiest Day Yet At least 38 people were killed in Myanmar on Wednesday as military forces dramatically escalated their use of violence against protesters.

9. Blaming quickiy becomes a dangerous and endless cycle that may escalate into acts of violence and crime.

10. In 19 the violence escalated with the murders of two prominent producers and numerous incidents of extortion and threats.

11. Insult triggers insult, and violence begets violence.

12. Violence he schemes, and violence he receives.

13. In the long term, violence begets violence.

14. “Violence only Begets violence when we allow it to

15. Domestic violence

16. Violence Breeds violence la violence appelle la violence to be born and bred somewhere (=born and brought up) I was born and bred in Perth

17. Although violence against women is prohibited, domestic violence is common.

18. In July 2005, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra assumed wide-ranging emergency powers to deal with the southern violence, but the insurgency escalated further.

19. Religion is often linked to violence, including sectarian violence and terrorism.

20. ‘Such collaborative relationships will soon Beget new inspirations.’ ‘He said violence Begets violence and evil generates greater evil.’ ‘It is a real and sad reminder that violence Begets violence and that rarely does violence breed peace.’


22. He was swift to condemn the violence/in condemning the violence.

23. But it was beastly, their violence and our fear of violence.

24. Violence against women.

25. If we are attacked with violence, we cannot but respond with violence.